Amit Kumar Chaudhary


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An ambitious and motivated individual with a profound interest in Data Science and a specialization in Deep Learning. I am currently pursuing my studies in Deep Learning, where I have acquired a strong foundation in machine learning algorithms, neural networks, and advanced data analysis techniques. I am eager to contribute my knowledge, passion, and dedication to a dynamic organization where I can collaborate with like-minded professionals, engage in cutting-edge projects, and continue learning and growing as a Data Scientist.

Data Science Portfolio

Bike sharing demand prediction post quarantine.

Built a linear regression model for a US based company BoomBikes to predict shared bike demand post-quarantine and identify the key variables affecting revenue and assessed model accuracy in describing bike demand.

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EDA to detect Loan Defaulters

EDA to analyse the patterns present in the data and this will ensure that the applicants capable of repaying the loan are not rejected.

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EDA on bank marketing campaign dataset

EDA on the given dataset to analyse the patterns and provide inferences/solutions for the future marketing campaign.

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Guessing Game Challenge

Python code to create number guessing game challenge.

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Tic Tac Toe

A classic implementation of the Tic Tac Toe game in Python.

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